Poet-GPT – A.I. writing Shakespearian Sonnets on autoplay
As an English major, Shakespearian sonnets have been my favorite form when writing poems for quite a few years back in the early 2000s. So no wonder I am mixing things up again at the intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence. For this experiment, I used Auto-GPT with OpenAI API and Pinecone for the…
Learn about A.I. before it learns about you
This was the title for a retort I wrote in the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang . The article I was replying to is this one which was basically mirroring some of the ideas from the Future of Life Institute open letter proposing a 6-month pause on AI development. I am providing a translation of my…
XM45: An A.I. audio tribute to X Minus One and Luis van Rooten
The second story in my book “Blueberry & the Bear and Other Stories” is called The Spirit of XM45. It’s a short story about how the spirit of Christmas finds a way to reach a lonely engineer on a remote planet. It’s also my (hopefully) funny attempt at creating a sci-fi Christmas-themed story with leetspeak…
Example of 100% AI generated content
This is an example of content completely generated by AI (ChatGPT via its API integrated in WordPress via GPT AI Power plugin). After being presented with the prompt to generate an argumentative article about how “AI is only biased as it is mirroring our societal and human failures.” it generated the following list of possible…
Welcome to Blueberry Thoughts
A blog at the intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence Hello and welcome to the blog of Ionut Burchi, father of three, IT consultant, web veteran and AI realist. I have started an awareness campaign on the possibilities, challenges and dangers the recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence have to offer. This…
Youville The Movie
Yet another experiment in human + AI creative collaboration. Youville is a virtual reality city where dreams become reality, but at a cost. The Blackwood Corporation, lead by the cunning and manipulative Alexander Blackwood, is holding young “associates” captive to serve as characters in the VR city. But when a group of rebels, led by…
“Future couples” Midjourney Gallery
I have been testing some prompts on Midjourney AI and have decided to publish some of the results as a gallery entitles “Future Couples”. Let’s see if you guess what the prompt was and what the less evident connection to AI is. Will be sharing the prompt if anyone is interested. Future couples
An AI Welcome video
Hello everyone, Welcome to Blueberry Thoughts, a blog at the intersection of human creativity and artificial intelligence. Feel free to explore our experiments, essays and other AI tribulations. Thank you! Just a short example of what’s possible to create in a couple of minutes using freely available generative AI tools. In this case text by…
Bringing Ivor J. Burks to life
As I have explained in the book and an earlier post, Ivor J. Burks is an author persona I created using a few AI tools. Meaning a pseudonym that resembles my name, a picture that could look like me from afar, and a story not so much unlike mine. I have played around in Midjourney…
Ghost kitchen leftovers
The case for a rating system for AI involvement in content generation Have you ever heard of the term “ghost kitchen”? No, it’s not some spooky place where chefs are replaced by ghosts. It’s where AI-generated content is being cooked up! And let’s face it, you don’t know what’s in your meal until you try…
A speech on AI “superhumans”
ChatGPT Prompt: I want you to act as a futurist who can freely speculate about outcomes. Try to write a speech explaining in simple terms how the explosion of AI technology can have as an outcome the emergence of a class of “super” people enhanced at the cognitive level by AI, and how that would…
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